Set after the events of The Stick of Truth, players once again assume the role as "The New Kid" in town. After those few years (and several delays) later, South Park: The Fractured But Whole is finally here - and it goes above and beyond its predecessor.

Since its release, fans have been patiently waiting for Ubisoft to make a sequel. Is this hilarious, or is this offensive? No matter what you think, one thing is clear: Stone, Parker, and the devs don't care.Three years ago, Obsidian Entertainment and Ubisoft released South Park: The Stick of Trut h on PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. She was definitely a girl the whole time. 'It still tracks with The Stick of Truth, yes it does. "Aoife and Chris picked transgender, and Mr Mackey once again calls your parents. You're then asked to select whether you identify as cisgender or transgender. 'So the whole King and Stick of Truth thing, she was actually a girl the entire time?' Mr Mackey then asks you to clarify exactly what you mean by a girl. "It turns out, if you pick a non-male character, Ubisoft will use the conversation with Mr Mackey as a smart retconning of The Stick of Truth.

Mackey has to call your parents to affirm your decision. In the gameplay footage above, you'll see that Bratt and Wilson elected to play as a girl. In this bolder sequel, you'll be able to choose between male, female, and 'other' while talking to South Park's school counselor Mr. In The Stick of Truth, you had no choice but to play as a boy.

The Fractured But Whole makes things a little more interesting. Selecting your gender in any other RPG is a pretty quick process very binary.